“CHROMATIC” is a music EP series that I am actively putting together as I go. I have ALWAYS wanted to really go far and beyond with my musical output as far as genres go, but I was always a bit reticent to go too far for fear of alienating listeners. But “CHROMATIC” is my “excuse” to venture off into the wondrous world of music without said fear and to explore whatever musical styles tickle my fancy. So one project you may get a more hip hop sound, another, an alternative sound, another R&B, and another may be 80s retrowave, electronic, etc…You get the point! Some EPs may have a relation to one another, and others will be a departure from the “typical”. Life is filled with colors, and art and music reflect the vast array of the chromatic palette. I want to try and post all of the Chromatic projects here in one place for everyone to enjoy!